The only thing worse than
the fragmentation of Music
and Poetry, is when we,
in fragmentation, try to unite them.
Music and Poetry are, in my view, two aspects of the
same movement. That is why it’s only natural for me
to present them together. The percussion study
offered above is a part of a much larger project.
You can get an overview at
the mimi-website at:
As long as I can remember, I’ve found discussions
of sound, and form, meter and rhythm in poetry forums
in any of the languages I know absolutely unbearable.
For more than 100 years, beginning with the great
Igor Stravinsky, Charles Ives, and Edgar Varèse, a rhythmic
revolution has occured of tectonic proportions. But until
poets are also actual performing musicians as well as
practicing writers, I doubt very much that this will change.
Unfortunate, I think. Especially for the young, for the
natural intelligence of the young child must be
conditioned for years in order that the organic unity
of Music and Poetry be broken apart. By the time a
young musician goes to a conservatory, or a young
poet goes to a university, the fragmentation is already
essentially complete.
This is tragic. That’s all I can say.