We shape the world and the world shapes us.
A Culture estranged from Nature makes necessarily—
totally unawares—strange Culture.
Once we as human beings, both individually and
collectively, have become thoroughly fragmented
from the world of Nature, it follows necessarily that
the world of Culture we create—which we then come
to think of, and experience, as being largely
independent and autonomous of the natural
environment—will be rife with both unsustainable
contradictions as well as highly questionable norms,
values and standards. This will be the explicit,
visible, cultural world. Underlying this will be an
invisible implicit realm of tacet assumptions and
arguments which will be necessary, even though
they will be largely unconscious, in order to sustain
what is inherently utterly unsustainable:—namely,
the contradictions.
The most fundamental of these contradictions
will be the facts of fragmentation and
estrangement itself. They will also be the most
difficult to see, understand, and yes:—